This website was birthed from years of study, questioning and time following Jesus. It includes a wide variety of resources I have been influenced by, mixed with my own conclusions and convictions. My goal is to help people who have been abused, deceived or disillusioned with church to walk away from institutionally corrupt religion so
This website was birthed from years of study, questioning and time following Jesus. It includes a wide variety of resources I have been influenced by, mixed with my own conclusions and convictions. My goal is to help people who have been abused, deceived or disillusioned with church to walk away from institutionally corrupt religion so they can more authentically embrace Jesus, and find a more biblical expression of the Church in which to grow as a Jesus follower.
I have served God as a youth pastor, senior pastor, church planter and missionary to China. I love Jesus and His Ekklesia more now than I ever have and I hope God uses this website to help you see what is really going on in the American church. My goal is not to offend or throw rocks, but to help people who have been disillusioned or
I have served God as a youth pastor, senior pastor, church planter and missionary to China. I love Jesus and His Ekklesia more now than I ever have and I hope God uses this website to help you see what is really going on in the American church. My goal is not to offend or throw rocks, but to help people who have been disillusioned or discouraged with what they have seen and experienced in the church. I have been working on this website off and on for a few years now, and it's finally time to share it openly. I have only shared this website with select people I trust to correct or direct me, and to those who have been wounded or confused by their church experience.
After 10 years outside the organized church, God has called us back home to Hilo Missionary Church, a place we called home, and a place I pastored for 19 years. This was not on my radar in any way, but God has been clearly leading and I am blown away that He would involve me in what He is doing. God has cleared the way f
After 10 years outside the organized church, God has called us back home to Hilo Missionary Church, a place we called home, and a place I pastored for 19 years. This was not on my radar in any way, but God has been clearly leading and I am blown away that He would involve me in what He is doing. God has cleared the way for a fresh start in 2025. Now, the challenge will be to apply what I have learned about the Ekklesia to an organized church. I already see God preparing the way for what He wants to do with Hilo Missionary Church. I will continue to teach 8th grade at Waiakea Intermediate School, so I do not have to take a salary from the church.
You might want to start by read the articles MY TIME TO COME OUT OF THE CLOSET, AND THE SAND AND THE DIAMOND. These two articles will explain the rational for this website and my personal journey. The rest of the articles deal with issues concerning the church in America. Everything I have written is researched, prayed over and checked by mentors and people who are correct me. You don't have to agree with me, but please read enough of my writing so you hear my heart before objecting to it.
I get no pleasure from shedding light on the failings of the American church. Many of these "churches" are counterfeit religious systems that do harm to the name of Jesus, and destroy the faith of people. 1 Timothy 4:1-2 But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron . . . You can see the depth of darkness on thisYOUTUBE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV4DdevGnefXd8iNnCKAm-A?view_as=subscriber
This preacher seemed crystal clean until he was not, and Dallas suffered it's third mega pastor fall.
Robert Morris is one of the most popular pastors in America, and he pastors one of the biggest churches in America. Opps, did I mention the "young lady" was 12?
One of the biggest media giants of Christian media is in chaos. Most of the speakers and personalities of Daystar are false teachers, and even they are distancing themselves from Daystar. This scandal has it all, dysfunctional family, Divorce, Lawsuits, Money, Sex and plenty lies.
He was a false teacher before all of this, and now he is being exposed as a sexual deviant.
Mike Bickle, the leader of the 24/7 house of prayer in Kansas City, has been accused of sexual abuse going back more than 20 years. https://julieroys.com/prominent-worship-leaders-kevin-prosch-and-misty-edwards-confessed-a-years-long-affair-sources-say/?mc_cid=266aa6833b
There is so much scandal at Hillsong it would take a 2 hour documentary to cover it all. This is the documentary. You can find it on Netflix.
The pioneer of the seeker sensitive movement, Bill Hybels steps down amidst accusations of sexual abuse.
Christianities most revered apologist had a very dark side.
The son of Liberty University's founder, Jerry Falwell Jr. is drowning in scandal.
Is nothing sacred? New allegations of abuse in a well known ministry that raises awareness of martyrdom around the world. Even more recent allegations are coming to light.
The gold standard of christian family training in the 70's, 80's and 90's was a cult, and it's leader was a sexual predator.
Less than a year after I left the Harvest Bible training center everything fell apart. It's a lurid tale with layers of abuse, lies, and corruption.
The Lamb family runs Daystar Christian Media. This family run "ministry" is falling apart, because of sexual abuse, dictatorial leadership and family betrayal.
This is hard to watch. As the pastor is vaguely confessing his sin the woman he abused when she was 16 confronts him on stage.
How do these people become, and stay a pastor of a church. People what are we doing?
This denomination is a cult, and this documentary is brutal. It's a very conservative church gone wild.
Yes, I know this man is an atheist, but he is right on about the Catholic Churches atrocities throughout history. Interesting thing is, the Catholic Church does not, and cannot deny any of these historical facts.
This guy is so false it's amazing people still follow him. How many documentaries do you need showing he is a joke before people stop following this guy.
Julie Roys confronts Albert Tate about hush money connected to the NDA's of their staff.
Ricky Rush pastor of IBOC in Dallas is a sexual predator.
Be careful of who you trust with your youth.
This Detroit pastor is the most outlandish liar. It's amazing people follow this dude.
It's crazy the amount of sexual abuse in the Catholic religion. Why people still go to these churches and schools is beyond me.
Please reach us at deceivedchurch@icloud.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Actually I am not telling anyone to do anything. I am just asking you to search scripture to find God's definition of His "church", (Please see last FAQ to explain why church is not the right word to use) and not just assume your church experience is right because "it works" or because "we have always done it that way." There are thousands of church denominations out there, and hundreds of thousands of churches. I AM NOT MAKING A JUDGEMENT ON ALL OF THEM. If you look at the evidence on this website you have to admit church can be a hurtful and deceptive place. My heart is for those who have been deceived, and find themselves confused and struggling spiritually. I am simply saying, you might want to examine scripture and seek His design and desire for His Church (The Ekklesia). Don't let a bad representation of church side track you from following Jesus.
I do believe that a few decades ago it was the immature believer or non-believer who would leave the church because they lost interest or maybe because they felt convicted. I believe today more and more mature believers are leaving the institutional church because they are sensing something is off, or they begin to question some of the unscriptural practices they see in the church. If you are a genuine follower of Jesus and you are questioning what you have experienced at your church, or religion in general, I hope this website helps you continue to follow Jesus while you seek His answers to your questions. So keep going to the building called "church" on Sunday morning until God calls you away to something better. I don't think it is a good idea to just leave something, without being called to something better.
There are four categories of materials on this website. 1. Materials I have used in my research. This includes books, websites, articles and other peoples thoughts on topics concerning the church. 2. I also have a litany of videos, articles and websites documenting the problems and abuses of the church. (It's pretty gross, and in some cases rated R) 3. I have also added some writing of my own. I would encourage you to start with "Coming Out of the Closet" and "The Sand and the Diamond". I hope to add more articles in the near future. This website was birthed from years of study, questioning and time following Jesus. It includes a wide variety of resources I have been influenced by, mixed with my own conclusions and convictions.
Well, I tend to get three reactions. My pastor friends are not thrilled, especially when things hit close to home. I kind of know how pastors think because I am one. I also know that good men, who love Jesus can be compromised and conformed by the religious system in which they do ministry. Overall my pastor friends somewhat agree with some of my stances, but many times the practical implications overwhelm any sense of theoretical agreement they may have. It's confusing because my goal is to point to scripture when making my case, but sometimes scripture is not enough to convince people. I want to have thoughtful discussions on these matters, but usually the conversations are short and more confrontational than I desire.
The second group of people who visit my website are mature believers who have already seen something is wrong with the institutional church, but either they did not know the extent of the problem, or they just did not know why they felt the way they did. This was me for 30 years as a pastor. I did not become a pastor on purpose. I was a school teacher and coach who was following Jesus the best I could, and next thing you know I became a pastor. I had been in the church long enough to know I did not want a pastors life, and I especially did not want the life of a youth pastor. To sum it up I felt like most youth pastors in the 1980's were poorly paid, micromanaged and had little job security. Fortunately I was sheltered in a great family of believers, and that made all the difference. We operated like a family, and even though we were an institutional church, we kept the hierarchy, politics and religious B.S. to a minimum. Back then I was like that believer who knew something was wrong, but I just could not put my finger on it, so I tried my best to do what the Bible said, but after much study I see more clearly what I always felt. These types of people tend to agree with me, and the website confirms things they have felt for years.
The third kind of person is just confused, abused and had it with the churches hypocrisy. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE I CREATED THIS WEBSITE FOR. This website is for all of the people who are questioning their faith, and even loosing their faith because they cannot recover from their experience in the institutional church. When people allow the institutional church to be the center piece of their spiritual life, and not Jesus, it usually does not end well. This website is for my family members and friends who have given up on Jesus, because they have given up on the church. I am hoping to give these people hope that Jesus and the institutional church are not one and the same. My goal is to help people who have been abused, deceived or disillusioned with church, walk away from institutionally corrupt religion so they can more authentically embrace Jesus, and find a more biblical expression of the Church in which to grow as a Jesus follower.
I only suggest my website to three categories of people. People who have serious questions about the nature of the church. People who have been hurt or abused by the church and are questioning their faith. Lastly, people who are mature enough to do their own study and research for themselves. This website has everything you need to start that research. I have documented the many forms of church abuse, as well as, the scriptural basis for my convictions about the problems we see in the institutional church. I also have written some articles on various issues in the church. I hope you will check it out and come to your own conclusions. I have not included anything in this website lightly. I have studied extensively, asked for learned people to check my work, and asked God to direct my writing.
I started this website because I had friends and family who were struggling with their faith. They had encountered some shady dark stuff in the church, and started heading down the deconstruction road. Many of these people ended up questioning more than just church, they also began to question their faith in Jesus. I have felt disappointment in my experience with church as well, but a long time ago I was able to separate my experience in the institutional church and my faith in Jesus. Unfortunately, many people have allowed their spiritual lives to be fully captivated by their church experience. This is dangerous territory, because if your journey with Jesus depends on your church experience you may end up seeing your journey cut short when your church experience does not live up to its billing.
We must discern between false teachers, and false teaching. False teachers are dangerous. They are purposely leading people astray for their own personal gain, and Paul refers to them as wolves. False teaching can occur due to errors in understanding the Bible, or the acceptance of commonly held man made doctrines. False teachers and false teaching need to be identified to protect the Church (Ekklesia). Paul had much to say on this topic. In II Corinthians 11 he says, "For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily." Here Paul is saying we should not put up with deception in the Church.
There is danger in NOT identifying the wolves among us. In fact, Paul went so far as to say Christians should NOT judge the world, but they should judge those who claim to be Christians, especially if they are false teachers. I Corinthians 5:12 Paul says, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked person from among you.” I think there is enough evidence on this website alone to understand the need to protect fellow believers from false teachers, and false teaching.
In 1st and 2nd Timothy Paul names names of false teachers at least 6 times. Remember a false teacher is NOT a brother in Christ, he is a wolf who devours the faith of those who follow him. Jesus never backed down from false teachers, or the religious elite. In Matthew 23 Jesus uses the strongest words possible to call out the hypocrites and false teachers of His day. (Read all of Matthew 23) Of course we must be able to discern between a simple disagreement with a fellow believer and identifying a false teacher. In I John 4 it says; "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." I believe false teachers abound today, and due to mass media they are able to influence large numbers of people. I believe it is our responsibility to discern the messenger, as well as the message. Scripture is clear, false teachers will come, and they will flourish if the Body of Christ does not protect itself by identifying unbiblical teaching. Investigate for yourself.
You probably already know my answer, NO. However, each resource I have posted has helped me in my journey to understand why things are so messed up in the church. I hope this website will help those who are questioning things regarding the church, and how that relates to their own personal relationship with Jesus. I would encourage you to do what I have done which is study, pray and discern. I really hope this website speeds up your journey. If you dig into any one of these authors, or speakers I am sure you will find things that you will question. In those cases I would hope you would go to scripture and investigate what God's Word says. The most important book you need to read when it comes to the Church is the Bible. I hope these resources help you in your journey, I know they have helped me. As you go through these resources do as my dad always said, "eat the meat, spit out the bones."
I believe our religious vocabulary is not very biblical. An example is the word "CHURCH". This is one of the worst mistranslations in the KJV Bible, and almost all other translations. The actual word in the original language is EKKLESIA. It means those who have been called out to gather or assemble for a specific purpose. It is not a religious word at all. When Jesus said "On this rock I will build my Ekklesia" the word Ekklesia, which appears 115 times in the New Testament, was mistranslated by order of King James.
In 1611 King James had the Bible translated into English. This was a landmark event because up until that time people were persecuted and killed if they possessed any English translation of the Bible. King James gave the translators 15 instructions when doing this ground breaking work. Many of those instructions were inconsequential, but number three on the list was a big deal. He required the translators to use the word "church" whenever translating Ekklesia, instead of the correct English word, which is assembly or congregation.
Why would he insist the translators use the word church? Because he wanted the focus to be on the building, the institution and his authority as head of the church of England. The word "church", which emphasized the place of worship and the institutionalized church, was the reality of church for the 1,000 years preceding. By this time in human history the church was established as a building you go to, leaders you obey, give money too, fear and depend on for access to God. This word church still influences how we envision His Ekklesia today. The true Ekklesia are simply people who have been called out of the world to know Him, and serve Him. There are many other unbiblical words we need to change as well, to truly use a biblical vocabulary. I still selectively use the word "church" in my writing because I do not want to confuse people who are unfamiliar with the word Ekklesia.
That's a great question. I don't actually know how to find a house church. By nature they are hard too find. Just to be clear, there is nothing magical about meeting in a house. It's well documented that cults and other abuses can happen in a house, as well as a church. The issue is not the location or even size, but the religious institutional system. We call our Sunday morning gathering a house church, minus the house. This is because we have met in a YWCA, a restaurant, a garage, a barn, a furniture store, an office building, a sumo ring ,and under a tree next to the ocean in the span of 6 years. Presently we meet under a large tent at a horse ranch. The best way to find a "house church" is to start one yourself. You do not need a seminary degree, pastoral experience or most of all, permission. Where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name He will be in your midst, and He will lead you by His Spirit. Maybe it's time to put your big boy pants on and step out in faith. He has promised He will build His Church (Ekklesia) and I think He has already proven He can do that using anyone. My interaction with the church, or Ekklesia" has been extended to brothers and sisters online, as well as, people I meet with regularly.
Probably the first obstacle you need to overcome is the word church. The word church is actually much different than we may think in the New Testament. Without getting into the original language too much you need to know the word church is actually Ekklesia in the New Testament. It occurs 115 times and refers to the people who have been called out of the world. It has nothing to do with a steepled building, or a religious organization. It has everything to do with the people God has called out of the world to know and serve Him. So, you can gather at anytime and anywhere with others who have been called out to know and serve God. Remember Acts 7:48 The Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me, says the Lord, or where will My place of repose be? Has not My hand made all these things?’
This video explores why something that sounds so positive and healthy is really harmful to the Church.
Bethel has become mainstream in evangelicalism, but their theology and practice need to be examined. This is a good inside look at what really goes on at Bethel.
This is really good. I encourage you to watch and see how the church system can ruin the best intentioned pastor.
This video will debunk tithing using scripture.
Progressive Christianity is more dangerous than you think. It's really not about Jesus.
Bob Hartley's son describes how his dad would fake being a prophet. This is a very interesting video on how prophetic words are given.
This video shows the pagan roots of the Catholic Church
This video shows the sex abuse problem of the Catholic Church
In the 1400's a group of Jesus followers arose, inspired by John Wyclif's teaching, motivated by reading scripture in their own language, and against the blatant abuses of the church. The Lollards lived simple lives while being persecuted and killed for following Jesus. Read the attached article and be inspired by their dedicated lives. These Lollards are my people.
DownloadA Pastor's Authority | Mark 10:42-43a | RayStedman.org (pdf)
DownloadFREE BOOK ON BIBLICAL GIVING the-dorean-principle (pdf)
DownloadIs the Church an organization, or an organism? Sometimes we can tell what we think of church by the way we use the word. Example: "What time is church?", "Where do you go to church?" or "Look at that big new church." None of these concepts were in the New Testament Church. You don't attend a church, YOU ARE THE CHURCH!
We see hierarchies of authority all around us. It's just the way things are done in businesses, schools and the military, but is that the way Jesus intended for the Church to operate? Do we see these hierarchies within the Church described in scripture, or do we see something else more structured like a family?
The typical way a church feeds a believer spiritually is to deliver a 45 minute sermon. Is a sermon, once a week enough to not only know about Jesus, but to actually live like Him as well? In a large auditorium how do believers actually exercise their spiritual gifts if they are only sitting and watching a few on stage exercise their spiritual gifts?
The main question concerning leadership in the church is simple. Is the biblical model of church leadership about hiring professionals to do the bulk of the church work, or to see everyone use their spiritual gifts for the building up of the Church?
Do you really want to "worship" like the New Testament believers? What does the word worship even mean? This video is revolutionary.
This video takes a look at how churches grow, and answers the question "is this how churches are intended to grow."
You will be surprised where we get our cherished church traditions. This book traces everything we do in church back to its origins.
This book unmasks the wolves among us. If you have been abused or confused at your church this book will help you identify a wolf.
How is the church selling Jesus? What does scripture say about how the church should handle money?
Have you ever wondered if you are experiencing all of God's design and desire for His church?
Pagan Christianity deconstructs church, and this book reconstructs it. Enjoy imagining what church could be.
This book is a free audio book. It reconstructs church and examines things we take for granted. It's a great listen!
This book will blow your mind. It will explain how the words for submit, obey and rule over have been mistranslated to mislead.
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